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Train. Fight. Win.


Youth Program at Train Fight Win
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Many parents unfamiliar with martial arts may balk at the idea of their children participating in the activity. Common concerns among such parents are that martial arts are dangerous and might make children aggressive and more likely to get into fights. Some moms and dads also worry that the training might be too vigorous and that the discipline needed to learn and practice martial arts is too demanding of their sensitive kids.
Kickboxing Class Benefits
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We typically picture professional athletes when we consider our ideal for peak physical fitness. This makes sense because to stay on top of their respective games—whatever they might be—such athletes need top-level strength, power, flexibility, balance, agility, speed, reaction time, coordination, and aerobic and muscular endurance. Depending upon the sport and/or position played, some of these physical fitness components may be more crucial than others.
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Most people searching for an optimal workout regimen fail to consider martial arts as viable option. Instead, many seek out traditional gyms and fitness centers, believing that they offer the most effective classes and equipment for building strength, cardio, and endurance or reaching other fitness-related goals. There can also be an inherent aversion to using martial arts training for fitness based on a mistaken belief that their primary focus is to teach fighting skills.
What Is Bang Muay Thai_Q1 TFW
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As anyone who trains at Tallahassee’s Train. Fight. Win. knows, Bang Muay Thai isn’t exotic cuisine, but a mixed martial arts (MMA) striking system. This hybrid style of martial arts relies on techniques, moves, and strategies used in western boxing, Dutch kickboxing, wrestling, karate, and Muay Thai, Thailand’s traditional martial art. The BMT system has been widely adopted by professional and amateur MMA fighters and BMT training has become widely popular as a self-defenses and fitness regimen for non-fighters.